2009年6月29日 星期一

Public School Students Should Be Required to Wear Uniforms

Some students wear their own T-shirts walking through the playground slowly.
The one running after them is a drillmaster who runs as fast as he can so that he is
almost out of breath. When the students know they are going to be scolded, they
begin to run even faster. The drillmaster just cannot catch up with them so he blows his whistle to stop the students who are not wearing uniforms. Then a harsh reproach is about to begin. Not wearing uniforms is unfair to some poor students and it’s rather time consumig while some consider not wearing uniforms is fashionable.
Not wearing uniforms means that students have to buy more clothes than they
used to. Since they are students who still get their pocket money from their parents, they may not be able to afford more clothes. Furthermore, some students try to show off their new expensive clothes which are designed by world-famous designers. On account of peer pressure, other students will try to buy the same brand to show that they can afford that, too. However, there are some students coming from the family that are not as wealthy as their classmates, they can afford none of the most fashionable , and clothes therefore they may feel such an inferior complex to their classmates. Due to inferiority, it may lead to a harsh relationship between school children and their parents.
Wearung uniform is a waste if time.Students wake up late in the morning especially when they stayed up late studying last night. There is not so much time for them to sit down and eat their breakfast. How could they have time to think what to wear in the morning? Or does this skirt match the shoes? They need to spend extra time to make decisions about.Deciding what to wear is really one of the most time consuming situation. People always feel that they will look more gorgeous when they change another tops, pants or shoes. Besides, students will spend a lot of time shopping for their new clothes. Nowadays, the on-line shopping is so convenient that they will keep searching for their suitable clothes as long as they can.
Students think that they look more fashionable in casual wear but having such a
notion is indeed wrong distracted. Casual wear may make students look more fashionable but may also make them absent-minded. Once they have the casual wears on,students will wonder if they are the most good-looking fashion king or queen in the school. They may lose attentions to study in the class. All they want to do is catch others’ eyes. They care nothing about the exams or the homework but just want to look nice.
Wearing uniforms is the good choice for it’s more convenient and you can save
a lot of time. In addition, you can also save a lot of money when wearing uniforms.
Though you may not look fancy, wearing uniforms may remind you that you are still a
student whose duty is to acquire knowledge.
