2009年6月29日 星期一

A Good Parent

Jack was just dumped by his ex-girlfriend a few minutes ago. Holding the
telephone in despair, he just could not help crying out aloud. His parents sat beside Jack and comforted the poor adolescent. The father was busyingdrawing out the tissue while the mother was holding her son and also patting Jack’s head. In this relationship between parents and kids are just like friends.Such intimacy might be the excellent model of a good parent.
There are always some children who do not tell their true feelings and share
their lives with parents, especially in Asian countries. This may result from the harsh relationship when children become adolescences or the children live with a violent, alcoholic father. Thus, children tell their parents nothing and the parents do not understand their children anymore. Then mutual misunderstanding turns out to be quarrels among parents and kids. Once the two sides won’t sit down like friends and talk peacefully, the relationships may go from bad to worse. And the war will never end.When children became adolescents, everything changed. Take my elder sister
for example. She did not have a good relationship with my parents when she was a
teenager. Every time they got together, they could not talk peacefully but quarreled all the time. Due to little understanding of my sister, my parents even read her diary secretly. And my sister always complained everything that my parents did rather than communicated with them. At last, the vicious circle continued every day and the relationships got even worse.
Several of my friends talk almost everything to their parents from their own
secrets to their silly behaviors. They also share their whole life with their dearest friends ,that is, their parents. They have lots of things to tell each other all the time when they meet each other. Besides, the way they treat each other is equal which won’t make each other uneasy. They treat each other like friends so there are
not any serious atmosphere around them like if there are any ranks between parents
and children. In addition, if they have a quarrel, they can mend up their relationship more easily than those strict parents. They know each other more because they are equal and respect each other. The relationships between them are sometimes just so close that you will be surprised to find out that they are not good friends but parents and children.
It’s wonderful to have a good parent because you will feel that you get one
more nice friend. Friends are those who laugh with you and cry with you. So every time when you feel depressed, there is always a friend to talk to at the exact moment. Therefore, a good parent is just like a good friend whenever you need them.
