2009年6月13日 星期六

Defeat the devil inside of you

Final is coming and I still have a pile of books that are waiting for me to study . Isn't it that I just finish my mid term exam? Well the happy times always pass by quickly. These days I am moody most of the time because of the Final exam ,GEPT and the house. I haven't find the house for me to live next semester. It's bothering me. Therefore, I felt stressed out. So I eat a lot recently. Whenever I feel that I am not in a good mood, I start to find something to eat so that I may becaome a little bit happier later. Hence, I found out that MOS burger's rice chiffon cake was not as delicious as I thought before. Or it's because of my gloomy mind. Anyway I want summer vacation. I want house. I wanna run away now....

2 則留言:

BiG 提到...

If you want to eat something, come to me~baby! I have cookies and fruit for you.:D Do you hear that? They are calling,"eat me! eat me!"

Unknown 提到...

Final exams always bother student, but I feel good at this time. I've been busy in the project of Chinese, so I don't have many time to study. Anyway, I DON'T feel nervous about this time as I did before. Anyway, after exams comes relaxing and happy summer vacation.