2009年3月27日 星期五


I watched this movie last night.This is a movie that won a lot of awards. It even won Oscar ,the Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures. The story is about a guy who cannot forget his ex-girlfriend. And because his mother died so that he went back to live with his father. His father owned a shop so he sometimes helped his father fix the vacuums. But most of the time he used to sing on the street as his job. One day when he was singing the song that written by himself, a girl passed by and said that the song was very fantastic. When the girl knew that he could fix the vacuum, she told him her vaccum was broken. Therefore, they would meet each other tmorrow in order to have the vaccum fixed. The next day the guy found out that the girl could play the piano very well. Then they played the instruments and sang together. Because of their same habbit they became good friends. At last the guy wanted to release his songs they even rent a recording studio to record the his songs together with the girl. The relationship between the two leading characters were ambiguous because the girl did say she loved the guy in her native language but they didn't became couple at last. The girl had an daughter but she didn't live with her husband at the very beginning of the movie. But when the guy and the girl finished the CD she went to live with her husband at last.
The movie really worths watching because of the music and also the simple but touching plot. Though it seemed they love each other , actually they just couldn't get rid of their "once", those ex-lovers and the good old days. This really reminds the audiences something that there are still things we still cannot get over yet though it seems that we look fine. And the songs in the movie are all very gorgeous. There is one of my favorite among all the songs.

All the way down
Song:Glen Hansard Lyrics:Glen Hansard
You have broken meall the way down,down upon my knees.
And you have broken meall the way down,you'll be the last, you'll see.
Some fight you gave,and I pushed you awayfrom me.
And in the morningwhen you turn in.
I'll be far to sea.
And you have broken meall the way down.
You'll be the last, you'll see.
And what chance have we got when you've missed every shot
for me?
And in the morningwhen you turn in.I'll be out of reach.
And in the darkness when you find this.
I'll be far to sea.
And you have broken meall the way down.You'll be the last, you'll see.

2 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

Love doesn't mean getting together. Everyone has his or her own past, which may be wonderful or awful. Indulging in the old, good days could remind people of their achievement. But it could also stop people to look forward even to pursuit their happiness. It's a pity!!

BiG 提到...

"Love is never rude or selfish". But sometimes I wonder wheather it means we can't be selfish in the role of lover or we can't be selfish in order to accomplish our romantic relationship? Or both? Who knows?