2008年11月7日 星期五

Life should always be with desserts

This week is really not my week because of the upcoming mid-term. I feel a little bit anxious since it's my first big exam in NCHU. I strongly hope that every test will be succrssfuly done. Well, when I am not feeling well I always yearn for a piece of cake or some cookies. Desserts really make me feel better. They always do me a big favor when I am gloomy. It's a pity that there is no cake shop near NCHU. So I just went to Family Mart to look for some cake. Surprisingly,there is one special cake which is called Black Tea Tiramisu.I just could not help buying that cake. However, it is not a cake made by bakery so it's not that delicious. But it really makes me feel better then.

2 則留言:

BiG 提到...

Hahaha...you make me hungry but I just want to have a pudding. :) I am nervous, too. I don't want to fail on the very first exam somehow I just don't sure how to prepare it. Anyway, cheer up,both of us. Because our carnival will come right after the exam.:D

Unknown 提到...

I totally agree with you that life must always be with desserts.When I'm in bad mood, I'll look for chocolate or a piece of cake to eat.It really work to me!!! p^0^q