2008年11月14日 星期五

Home now..

After taking my last exam which was English Literarture, I went home as soon as possible. On my way home I saw a scene which made me start thinking of my dearest grandfather. When I was waiting for the train at the platform, I saw a little girl and his grandfather sitting there. At first, I didn't pay much attention to them but just sitting near them and looking at my novel. Later I hear the conversation between them. The littlle girl was eating cookies and she said that this half is mine and the other half is for you ,my grandfather. They both eat the cookies happily and they interact with each other closely. And the kid and the grandfather were just like I and my grandfather who brought me up with my grandmother. But there is no way for me to talk with my grandfather anymore because he is not alive now. I really miss my grandparents especially for my grandfather. But after the death of my grandfather, I realized what I should grasp now. All I have to do is spend more time with my grandmother as much as possible so that I won't regret afterwards.

1 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

Your grandfather must love you very much. Though he is dead, he'll live in your heart forever. I believe that your memory of your grandfather won't fade.