2008年11月21日 星期五

The cold weather

The cold weather really makes me feel terrible because of my running nose. And the wind is a little bit piercing sometimes. But the most terrible thing is that I seem to get cold. I hate eating pills so that I don't want to get cold. That's why I hate winter. But I think winter is a good season for me to experience warmness. Whether you feel warm because of a cup of coffee or the bedquilt, it really makes me feel comfortable and happiness. By the way, I drank a bottle of hot milk with a special straw yesterday. And the straw really impressed me because the straw was not as usual but with some cookies in it. And once I sipped, the milk was another kind of favor. Though the straw is made for children, but you should really give it a try because it is very amazing.

2 則留言:

BiG 提到...

Hahaha...if you are cold just come to me and I'll give you a hug.(XD) And cold, haha... I like 燒仙草 or a cup of hot coffee or cocao, and stay in my warm bed. That is what happyness means!

Unknown 提到...

I also hate cold winter because I have to wear lots of clothes, scarf and mittens. It's troublesome. But in winter, I like the feeling of warmness of my bed or hot drinks. It's a season to enjoy warmness.