2009年5月23日 星期六


I guess we are all dreamers so that we can be tough and move on because we have our own motivations. Recently I found out that I have no goals at all. I am lost. So I am fooling around these days. I don't know how to plan my future. I am not on my way now. But this song inspired me. It is a Japanese song however I couldn't understand what the lyrics mean though my second language is Japanese= =". Anyway I look for the Chinese lyrics. These worlds touched me. It makes me feel that there is someone with me no matter it is just a song. And finally I realize that we are fragile and we can be fragile but we also have to stand up after we have been weak for a while.

哭著 笑著 煩惱著
把那些日子全部 全部交給未來
在步伐的前方 有什麼在等待?

不必活得完美 任誰都有脆弱的一面
為了不讓自己後悔 試著超越今天吧

(Just fly high)

每個人都不一樣 沒有什麼是一定非這樣不可

夢想希望之類的真正意義 雖然我不懂
但我想 那是種讓自己變得迷人的魔法

不必忍住淚水 強顏歡笑了
因為你有那雙 只屬於你的翅膀
(Fly with your wing that you only have in yourself)
(So you can fly high)

讓心中描繪的夢想 作自己的後盾

(Take a chance)
(Get yourself)
(Love yourdraem)
(Have a smile)
(Always be with you)

2 則留言:

BiG 提到...

Honey~I am confused ,too. But I enjoy the time with you guys and I am very happy right now. At least I love what I am doing. :D Guess I am lucky compary with thoes who aren't contented with their lives. Let's cheer up and found out our goal together! GO! GO! Baby, let's go! :D

Unknown 提到...

I really in the same situation as you. I don't know why I get into university now. My mom always tells me to plan my future as soon as possible, but I find I always escape from this issue. Maybe it takes time to realize myself.