2008年11月28日 星期五

I had been to Greece last Saturday!

Last Saturday I really had a good time because my old friends came to Taichung. We had a perfect lunch together that day. But actually we ate our lunch at two o'clock on account of the popularity of that restaurant called Traveler Kitchen. Traveler Kitchen has two stores in Taichung though they have different styles individually. And we were in the Greece Travler Kitchen last Saturday.
The waiter and waitress there are extremely passion and humor. The most important is that each of them have different kind of roles. As you can see the right one is a tourist in Greece and the left one seems like an goddess XD.
And the food in Traveler Kitchen there are really amazing. We had two appetizers one was Olive Oil Devilfish and the other one was Potato Box with Onion and Vegetable. The first one was a little bit ordinary but still delicious while the second one was more impressing not only because of its shape but also because of its special favor. Believe me ,you should really give it a try.
And we three people had three different kinds of main course which were Chicken and Pork Souvlaki , Greek Chicken Rice Pasta and Meteora Vegetable Spaghetti. And the most impressive dish was Greek Chicken Rice Pasta. From the picture you could see it looks like rice but its actually spaghetti and it was smooth and delicious.

We did eat a lot and chat a lot at Travler Kitchen.Though it is a little bit expensive but I think the food worth that price.Besides Traveler Kitchen is also beautiful if you like the house with white and blue. It really makes you feel that you are in Greece.Anyway if you are interested in this restaurant you can visit there website :http://www.tkitchen.com/greece_map.htm.But if you really want to have dinner or lunch there remember to reserve before two week in case you will have to eat dinner instead of lunch.:D

2008年11月21日 星期五

The cold weather

The cold weather really makes me feel terrible because of my running nose. And the wind is a little bit piercing sometimes. But the most terrible thing is that I seem to get cold. I hate eating pills so that I don't want to get cold. That's why I hate winter. But I think winter is a good season for me to experience warmness. Whether you feel warm because of a cup of coffee or the bedquilt, it really makes me feel comfortable and happiness. By the way, I drank a bottle of hot milk with a special straw yesterday. And the straw really impressed me because the straw was not as usual but with some cookies in it. And once I sipped, the milk was another kind of favor. Though the straw is made for children, but you should really give it a try because it is very amazing.

2008年11月14日 星期五

Home now..

After taking my last exam which was English Literarture, I went home as soon as possible. On my way home I saw a scene which made me start thinking of my dearest grandfather. When I was waiting for the train at the platform, I saw a little girl and his grandfather sitting there. At first, I didn't pay much attention to them but just sitting near them and looking at my novel. Later I hear the conversation between them. The littlle girl was eating cookies and she said that this half is mine and the other half is for you ,my grandfather. They both eat the cookies happily and they interact with each other closely. And the kid and the grandfather were just like I and my grandfather who brought me up with my grandmother. But there is no way for me to talk with my grandfather anymore because he is not alive now. I really miss my grandparents especially for my grandfather. But after the death of my grandfather, I realized what I should grasp now. All I have to do is spend more time with my grandmother as much as possible so that I won't regret afterwards.

2008年11月7日 星期五

Life should always be with desserts

This week is really not my week because of the upcoming mid-term. I feel a little bit anxious since it's my first big exam in NCHU. I strongly hope that every test will be succrssfuly done. Well, when I am not feeling well I always yearn for a piece of cake or some cookies. Desserts really make me feel better. They always do me a big favor when I am gloomy. It's a pity that there is no cake shop near NCHU. So I just went to Family Mart to look for some cake. Surprisingly,there is one special cake which is called Black Tea Tiramisu.I just could not help buying that cake. However, it is not a cake made by bakery so it's not that delicious. But it really makes me feel better then.