2009年1月5日 星期一


I think that I am already independent. But somehow I realize that I am not...... Before studying in the university, I long for living alone. But when I am really alone now I find out that I am not that independent. And sometimes I just hate being alone. Because when I am alone, I have no body to talk to. And when there is some strange sound, I feel extremely scared. And there is no body near to help me or to accompany me...... Besides I always have to worry what to eat three times per day. If I am home, my mother always prepare the meals . And all I have to do is eat. At this moment I just cannot help but think of my parents. It's ridiculous that I change my thought in such a small period. I thought I woulld feel happy when I moved out my home. But it seems not...

2 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

Maybe you can consider about living in dorm. Though you may feel no privacy, you'll get roommates to company with you at least. Of course, living in home is the best, but living outside is the process.

BiG 提到...

Since we'll move into the dormitory, you can just come to me whenever you need. And I'll sing "I'll be there for you...." to you. :D But I think you'll be scared...= =