2008年12月7日 星期日

Time does fly

It's not far away from the end of this semester now. But it seems that the semester had just started yesterday , wasn't it? And the New Year is coming soon, but when I think of last year I was still worrying about my transfer test. And now I am here in another university and a semester almost passes by. To be honest, I never think of the day about transferr successfully on account of the tough transfer exam. This is one of the unexpected events in my life. Therefore tranfer had totally changed my life, because I met new friends, lived in another city and had to say good-bye to my old friends. Sometimes when you gain something ,you have to give up something. I think that's the rule of our life. Though I cannot meet my old friends very often, I also get along well with new friends here. The most important thing is that the people here are always very friendly.:D

2 則留言:

BiG 提到...

You are nice, too, girl. :) And childlike. hahaha...but it is ok because we all have been used to it. :D

Unknown 提到...

When I knew that I transfered successfully, I felt happy and sorry at the same time. I couldn't believe that I did it. But I was wondering if I should tell my friends. Finally, I decided to tell them. They were shocked at the first time, but accepted it. Now, I still keep in touch with them even we couldn't meet each other frequently.