2008年12月18日 星期四

Merry Christmas

Though Christmas is at next week, there are already Christmas atmosphere all over the place now. I really love Christmas on account of that Christmas is a festival which makes people feel warm. People around you always give you Christmas cards or gifts that really touches my heart all the time. Besides you will see different kinds of christmas tree everywhere. They are always decorated with some creative ornaments. Perhaps you will see lots of Christmas tree in different kind of form. That's one of the most interesting things for you to discover. I went to SHIN KONG MITSUKOSHI tonight and I did saw some special Christmas trees. These are the pictures:This one is made of cardboard. It's pretty special right?

This one is simple but holy and pure!!

This Christmas tree is full of food. Such a cute and delicious tree!!

And Merry Christmas to every body !

2 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

It's really good to receive lots of different kinds of Christmas cards. I like the second photo. Although it's simple, it still let people feel purity of X'mas.

BiG 提到...

Christmas is celebrate time. :D In the day, it just like the whole world become a fairy world. And I pretty like the sog..." You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout I'm telling you now, Santa Claus is coming to town." It's so cute!!!!